The Boring Stuff

While I wish I could claim credit to everything here, as with any game and any universe it has multiple sources. The base rules are Palladium RPG [Ninjas & Superspies] and various source books.

I ran a long running Robotech campaign using the Palladium rules, during that game I created, or collected, a large variety of rules from the net, sadly, almost all of the source sites no longer exist except perhaps on the wayback machine, we are talking 20 years ago now, so apologies if you see something here not credited properly, for some things I have had copies for so long I can no longer remember where they originated.

Also, there is X-Com and its variety of games obviously, the most recent X-Com being the inspiration for Phase I of the campaign. The ship deck plans are taken from X-Com, so thanks there to Firaxis and the game devs.

And finally, for now, we have the Fantasy Name Generator because sometimes you just need a name in a hurry.